19 June 2022
On 19 June, the long-awaited report of the study group for the future European Strategy for particle physics was presented. It was a clear and strong endorsement of the need for a Higgs factory as the essential next step for particle physics and a willingness of the European particle physics community to collaborate in the ILC.
Decision on the International Linear Collider: “Not what we had hoped for but progress nevertheless”
7 March 2022
Lyn Evans, Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration that coordinates planning and research for the International Linear Collider and the Compact Linear Collider CLIC, said: “Today we did not get the green light we hoped for, but nevertheless there was a significant step forward with a strong political statement and, for the first time, a declaration of interest in further discussions by a senior member of the executive. We will continue to push hard.”
ICFA Press Conference on the ILC’s future
1 March 2022
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The linear view on the European Strategy for Particle Physics
Starting in 2022, scientists from all over Europe and beyond will update the official European Strategy for Particle Physics. This is a recurring process that takes into account latest developments in the field to help define its future direction. Both future linear colliders, CLIC and ILC, submitted documents as an input to the strategy, which you can read here.
21 December 2018
On 19 December 2018, the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) published its report on the ILC. What does this report mean to the ILC project? What will happen next? LC NewsLine features the response to the report by the KEK lab in Japan, the executive summary of the SCJ's recommendations, as well as political messages.
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End-of-run rush for CLIC pixel detectors in test beams
13 December 2018
CERN’s accelerators are going into a two-year shutdown at the end of 2018, so CLIC detector developers ended their test beam season with a final push in early November, getting the most out of the last few days of proton running at CERN. CLIC poses challenging requirements for its future detector, and several silicon pixel-detector technologies are being tested.
Coming up: CLIC WEEK 2022
10 December 2022
Register now for the 2022 CLIC workshop that takes place from 21 to 25 January at CERN. It covers accelerator studies and detector and physics studies, from on-going activities and results to future plans.